[Timelapse] Magical Europe


Stan Chan et sa famille (from Taiwan) ont visité pendant 2 ans plus de 30 pays du vieux continent; pris 60 avions, et filmé tout ce magnifique road trip avec 2 caméras.

Et comme Stan est un gars sympa, il à fait un très beau timelapse de son voyage.

I think that everybody needs to take a trip and have their eyes opened to just how beautiful the world is.


One family, 2 cameras, 30 countries, 60 flights, 1000+ time lapse videos, 200,000+ images – almost 20 terabytes of data!

Hello everyone, I’m from Taiwan. This is a compilation of time lapse videos shot over the last two years when I travelled Europe with my wife and son. I’m excited to share some of my favorite clips. I think that everybody needs to take a trip and have their eyes opened to just how beautiful the world is. Please watch full screen in HD with sound if your device allows it. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment if you wish; I’d love to hear from you.

> If you would like to license any of these clips or images, please contact me at stanchang.photo@gmail.com.
Available in 4K resolution. Some clips available in resolutions from 5K to 8K.

Thanks so much for checking it out. Please feel free to share.


Stan Chan


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