[Timelaspe] La Forêt-Noire (Allemagne)

Durant les mois d’Août et Septembre 2013, au cœur de la Forêt-Noire en Allemagne,  Moritz Huber & Patrick Ketterer ont réalisé ce magnifique timelapse pour l’exposition « Baumstark – Uff em Holzweg » à Schonach.

Le Timelapse comprends 42 500 clichés et 17 heures de capture. Plaisir des yeux :]


+ La version longue


The film « black forest in motion » was produced in the summer of 2013 due to a coorporation of Moritz Huber and
Patrick Ketterer and was originally produced for the exhibition « Baumstark – Uff em Holzweg » in Schonach/Germany.

All scenes were produced in the months of August and September in the heart of the Black Forest/Germany and were shot with a self-build timelapse-slider, which was developed by Patrick Ketterer and Moritz Huber. More than 7,000 visitors saw the film during the exhibition from the 20th -29th of September and got to see the Black Forest in an amazing way like never before.

We want to thank everyone who helped and supported us with this project! Special thanks goes to Adrian Schwer, Rainer Huber, Christian Ketterer and Stephan Wegner.

  • Technical data: 42,500 pictures / 17h capturing / 250h HDR processing / 300h hard- and software developement
  • Camera gear:  Canon EOS 6D / Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L USM
  • Postproduction: Adobe Lightroom 4 / SNS-HDR Pro / Adobe After Effects / Adobe Premiere
  • Music: Markus Schwer


Moritz Huber

Source: Alexblog

via @blogcracknet


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