Le Timelsapse à cette particularité qui lui est propre, celui d’embellir le monde grâce à son effet hypnotisant. Le tout sur une musique paisible (souvent en tout cas).
Voici 3 timelapses ayant chacun une particularité.
- Le 1er est sur Taïwan (comme une carte postale) et est visionnable en 4K (si votre connexion internet le permet).
- Le 2nd fut tournée en infrarouge, ce qui changent les couleurs, et donne des faux-airs de pub tv pour une lessive; mais c’est splendide
- Le 3ième est plutôt « regular »; mais comme c’est sur les Aurores Boréales on fermera les yeux.
Le deux dernier sont sous licence Creative Commons. C’est pas très courant, d’où l’importance de féliciter leurs auteurs pour ce geste. Maintenant stop le blablabla, bon film /-)
The Beauty of Taiwan – Time lapse – ???? – ????
The island of Taiwan is often overlooked and is seldom appreciated as a place of beauty and mystique, but after exploring it on a 2000 km journey, from sea level to the staggering height of 3275 m at below zero temperatures and travelling the expanse of the entire island ranging from the very northern coast, down to the very southern tip. 40,000 photos later and 10 days of post-production; we present: « The Beauty of Taiwan ». Within this 4k time-lapse video are just a few moments from this breathtaking island. Please feel free to share, blog, post or embed to show the world…
Movements in Red : A moving infrared timelapse movie. (CC BY-NC)
This is a personal project culminated from years of shooting IR stills and never really being satisfied with the results. Shot primarily in Albemarle County, Virginia, the movie was captured using a Canon 5D mark II converted with a 720nm IR filter over the sensor. The sensor filter allows normal camera operation but shoots only IR images. I used a rail from Dynamic Perception to create the moving images and processed everything in Adode Premiere/After Effects. Check out my website www.andrewshurtleff.com to see some cool IR stills under the fine arts section. Thanks for watching.
> Music by: Dexter Britain – Waking Up
Andrew Shurtleff
- Site > http://www.andrewshurtleff.com
- Vimeo > http://vimeo.com/user4770425
Dramatic Aurora Borealis. Iceland – Time-Lapse of a Winter Fairytale (CC BY-NC-ND)
Iceland has become a popular destination since the singer Björk made her island famous by her songs. Yet few people know Iceland during wintertime. And I am sure that they miss a beautiful part of the island: the snow covered rocks, the magic arctic light and especially the phantastic aurora borealis dancing in the sky. The days spent at the Jokülsarlon glacial lake were one of the most beautiful and peaceful Christmas time I remember. Feel free to share it !
> Music by: Justin R. Durban – Alpha Command
Anna Possberg
- Vimeo > http://vimeo.com/annapossberg
- Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/anneliese.possberg
Source : Daily Picks and Flicks