One day on earth: cold engadin timelapse night

Ce timelapse est la suite du projet d’Alessandro Della Bella ayant pour but de vous montrer les alpes suisses la nuit. Et c’est vraiment magnifique.

Le mot de l’auteur : Taking part in « One Day on Earth » on 12.12.12, this footage is quickly put together to give an overview. During two quite cold nights on Piz Corvatsch (-25°C) and Piz Nair (-15°C) in the Engadin valley in eastern Switzerland near St. Moritz I shot more than 10K photos showing the night sky, stars, milky way and valley.

On some images you can see snowcats preparing the slopes. A long exposure effect is applied to show their light trails. I worked with 5 DSLR Canon cameras simultaneously. Many shooting stars were captured on the footage, since it was a geminids meteor shower night. See some of these on the photographs at the end of the video, as well as some « making of » photos of the frozen equipment.


Music: Musique & Music – On the Horizon // music from


Alessandro Della Bella

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