Ce timelapse est la suite du projet d’Alessandro Della Bella ayant pour but de vous montrer les alpes suisses la nuit. Et c’est vraiment magnifique.
Le mot de l’auteur : Taking part in « One Day on Earth » on 12.12.12, this footage is quickly put together to give an overview. During two quite cold nights on Piz Corvatsch (-25°C) and Piz Nair (-15°C) in the Engadin valley in eastern Switzerland near St. Moritz I shot more than 10K photos showing the night sky, stars, milky way and valley.
On some images you can see snowcats preparing the slopes. A long exposure effect is applied to show their light trails. I worked with 5 DSLR Canon cameras simultaneously. Many shooting stars were captured on the footage, since it was a geminids meteor shower night. See some of these on the photographs at the end of the video, as well as some « making of » photos of the frozen equipment.
Music: Musique & Music – On the Horizon // music from audio-kitchen.ch
Alessandro Della Bella
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