« MOVING THE STILL: A GIF FESTIVAL » est un festival organisé par Tumblr & Paddle8 qui célèbre le GIF. Ce lugubre format d’images informatique qui polluaient jadis les pages de Geocities, iFrance, chez.com etc. jusqu’à plus récemment MySpace.
Mais 25ans plus tard, le GIF c’est hype, cool, tendance, swag, boloss, like a boss blablablablabla. Ce short retrace son histoire, à l’aide de couleurs, de pâtes à modeler etc.
C’est quoi: Moving the Still is the first large-scale, open call festival for original GIF art. This inaugural competition will showcase animated GIFS as a new genre of digital art. The Festival is curated by Paddle8, powered by Tumblr, and presented by Smartwater and Milk MADE. Submissions and will be published on a rolling bases from October 17th through November 7th, culminating in a live exhibition during Miami Art Week 2012
Moving the still : A GIF FESTIVAL > http://movingthestill.tumblr.com
via Moving the still