Voici un nouveau timelapse sur la terre vue depuis l’espace, à bord de l’ISS (Station Spatiale Internationale) de nuit; le tout sur une magnifique trame sonore.
Réalisée par Knate Myers.
Every frame in this video is a photograph taken from the International Space Station. All credit goes to the crews on board the ISS.
I removed noise and edited some shots in photoshop. Compiled and arranged in Sony Vegas.
> Music : John Murphy – Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor)
> Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth
Knate Myers
- Site > http://knatephoto.com
- Vimeo > https://vimeo.com/knatephoto
- Twitter > https://twitter.com/knatephoto
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Source : Gizmodo