un clip vraiment original sur fond de musique électro
Delta Heavy – ‘Get By’ taken from down the rabbit hole. Worldwide release date: 28th May 2012
>>> Available to buy now: http://bit.ly/RAMM115 <<<
- Video directed, produced and animated by Ian Robertson > http://www.irobertson.co.uk
- Illustrations – Annie Ward > http://www.annieward.tumblr.com
- Visual Effects and Finishing – Matt Cameron > http://www.mattcameronfilm.co.uk
le player soundcloud
Delta Heavy
- SoundCloud > http://soundcloud.com/deltaheavy
- YouTube > http://youtube.com/user/deltaheavyuk
- MySpace > http://www.myspace.com/deltaheavyuk
- Twitter > http://www.twitter.com/DeltaHeavyUK
- Facebook > http://www.facebook.com/deltaheavyuk