Les courants de foucault ? Késako > http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courants_de_Foucault
et une vidéo 🙂
« I made this machine for my father-in-law for his 75th birthday: astute viewers equipped with video analysis software and way too much time on their hands might find that the magnet drops 75mm from the tip of the slicer until caught by the lifter, and that the lifter then drops it through a 75mm long aluminum tube.
These magnets are currently a popular toy, and can be purchased on the web or in stores (usually in a set of 216, which makes a 6x6x6 cube). Many different brands exist: Zen Magnets (http://zenmagnets.com), Buckyballs (http://www.getbuckyballs.com), nanodots (http://www.thenanodots.com), Neo Cube (http://www.theneocube.com), and more. I highly recommend this toy! Watch some videos at the above sites.
I used a plastic drywall anchor for the main screw drive that pulls the chain of magnets through the machine. The 2 other driven axles — the slicer and and the lifter — are geared directly to the screw drive. (Steven Garrison’s gear cutting method was invaluable to make the gears operate smoothly, see http://www.stevengarrison.com.) The lifter is based on a standard four bar linkage (a film advance mechanism) but was modified to dip very low before lifting back up and stroking its straight vertical line at the top. See http://www.flickr.com/photos/dogrocket/sets/72157626544506603 for still photos of building it.
I don’t know who first figured out that 5mm spherical rare earth magnets could be so much fun, but whoever they are, I thank them. » Dave Johnson
Source : L’Humanosphère
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C'est bien bô sa machine, mais ça sert pas à grand chose.
En revanche, les billes doivent être sacrément aimantés o_O