Trappy: TeamBlackSheep

Une team qui fait voler des avions miniatures et qui film, les heures de vol. Et parfois de façon un peut underground.

New York City from trappy : TeamBlackSheep on Vimeo.

Team Black Sheep flying in New York, over the Brooklyn and Verrazano Bridge, around Downtown Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty. Enjoy!

FPV à discrétion from trappy : TeamBlackSheep on Vimeo.

flying far and low, buzzing buildings and having a blast.

Soundtrack: 77 Bombay Street – 47 millionaires

Trappy: TeamBlackSheep

Fly low, life is short from trappy : TeamBlackSheep on Vimeo.

A couple of range tests, a couple of low passes, and most importantly, LOTS OF FUN!

music by jayo:

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